Nikki Brandon - Minted

From BlokCity

Brandon popped the query - much to Nikki’s surprise - at Jeong, a Korean restaurant in Chicago, on February 19. Despite her best efforts to instantly seize the ring, Brandon secured the "Yes!" and officially put a ring on it. And now, our wedding ceremony date is set nearly exactly one 12 months later. We can’t wait to celebrate with you all!

For each Canopy Tour we guide, $1 goes toward Gold Star Family Day, an area someday event venue brandon offering free zip-lining, lunch and water obstacles at Thomas Falls. Gold Star Households are those which have lost love ones in the War on Terror or other military workouts. Thomas Falls is proud to help our troops and their households.

"One hundred and twenty years back, we had bereavement handkerchiefs, bereavement stationery, bereavement objects. We lost it all," Golden stated. "Then the Web comes alongside, and it's like a petri dish--all these things will develop there. If you're going to contact into this ache, you've got to feel safe. After a automobile accident, when someone puts their arms around the victim, that allows the sufferer to cry. Lots of people feel safe on the internet."