91329 Techbot Case Assortment
From BlokCity
The 91329 Techbot Case Assortment set is a combination Mega Bloks Marvel set released in 2012. The set consists of five seperately available sets, 91296 Spider-Man Stealth Techbot, 2 copies of 91331 Spider-Man Techbot and 2 copies of 91332 Lizard Techbot in one package. This combination set contains 226 pieces.
The Techbot Case Set was a combination of sets 91296, 91331 and 91331 together. This gave you two sets of the two different versions of Spider-Man Tech Bot, the regular Spider-man Techbot and the Spider-Man Stealth Techbot. Also in the assortment was the Lizard-Man Techbot. Each of these Tech bot figures comes with their own working launcher.