Leading 3 Pet Training Mistakes

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Although dog training may come to mind because you have a new puppy at home, dog obedience training is really for all dogs - not just the fancy breeds or show dogs. Training your dog is actually healthy for your pet and will keep its mind sharp. If you are a new dog owner, do not despair. Because Do It Yourself Dog training is much easier than you might imagine. Especially if you have the help of good dog obedience training solutions to give you something to model.

Dogs live very much in the 'now', they react to the 'now', yes, they carry past experiences and baggage similar to us, however, their REactions are in the 'now'. That's why does my dog bark at other dogs you can't expect them to know that, she's a really good pack leader sometimes but, has bad days and isn't so good on other days... they just don't understand this concept of inconsistency, they will simply give you the reaction you deserve or warrant in any given moment. Like us, they do carry triggers created in the past, but, and it's a big BUT, unlike us, their reactions can very much be controlled by the way their pack leader reacts in the 'now'.

Instinct behaviour is also an important cause of barking. Some dogs still demonstrate normal canine pack behaviour and barking is a form of communication and to display territory. Breeds such as Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, German Shepherd Dogs and dogs crossed with wolves seem to be more prone to this type of barking.

Control: Take control of the household and let your dog know that you are the alpha leader. As an owner, you will learn about how to assert your dominance and make him follow you. Once you will be able to do this, you will easily succeed at good dog obedience training.

Obedience training can also be a bridge for communication between the owner and the dog. Good Communication is highly important to the success of your training. Learn and practice how to effectively communicate with your dog. Instruct your dog with commands. However, you must deliver that command in a way that it will sound persuading to your dog. You can instruct and teach your dog various commands like sit, stay or fetch, but each time you must use the correct instructing tone of voice.

Over time, you will progress to getting him to DO things, in order to drive you to give him treats. A dog can be trained without ever having to be touched! Simply wait for a behaviour to be offered, perhaps a play-bow or a Sit, or eventually a bump of your treat-filled hand with his nose. Then say "YES!" enthusiastically the instant it happens (or use a clicker to mark it) and toss a great treat...or a piece of his dinner. You can then pair a command to the action, and start to ask the dog to perform it in order to get the treat. I've had rescue reactive dogs I couldn't walk up and touch, who would Sit, Gimme Five, or otherwise interact with me in order to solicit a treat. This is *two way communication*, and it's important. Even coming up close to ask for food can be a triumph for a fearful dog.

Here are some training tips that may help while walking your dog. First off, have the attitude that you are in charge and the one who is doing the walking not the one being dragged down the street. Establishing leadership starts when you are putting on your dog's leash. Is your dog going nuts and being hyper? Then wait until it calms down or put it in a "Sit/stay" and wait until it is calmer. Don't reward it for undesirable behavior. Once calm and leashed, do not let it pull the lash tight. The industry standard is a "loose leash." We want to walk with a leash that has some slack in it. That way I there were an incident there is some slack to use to manage any reactive situations that may arise. But, it also just makes for a more relaxed walk for both you and your dog.

Tip: Dog-aggressive dogs, horses that buck unpredictably, and cats who spray all have the problem of reactivity. A stimulus triggers a response. In other words, they react instinctively before deliberating. In our communications with animals, if we can teach them how to build in a delay before responding, we have created the precondition for choice, the choice of an adaptive rather than reactive behavior.

The scene in a dog obedience school is just like life. In life there is a lot of noise, so much things going on, etc. In these classrooms there is a lot of noise to show them that they must learn no matter what the scenario is. It really teaches them to concentrate fully, and since they have been taught all aspects of obedience in this type of situation then they will definitely become well trained.

The warmer weather is here so it is time to enjoy it with your dog barking at dogs (More Signup bonuses). It could be at a local park or the trails in your community. Dogs love the outdoors but they love it most when accompanied by their best friend!