3620 Captain Cutlass' Stormstalker

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3619 << 3620 ) >> 3623 30px
Captain Cutlass' Stormstalker
Item №:





Captain Cutlass
Nicholas Nautilus
Marcus Mutiny








The set 3620 Captain Cutlass' Stormstalker is a Mega Bloks Pyrates set released 2006. The set contains a fierce and fast lugger hunting ship with two capture cages. Also included are 4 minifigures of Captain Cutlass, Nicholas Nautilus, Marcus Mutiny all members of the Sea Marauders and Lockjaw a Skelton crew captive. This set contains 95 pieces.


The Stormstalker is fitted with two capture cages one of which is a mysterious transformation cage that changes skeleton figures into humans, then back again. Also included in the set are 2 launching cannons, adjustable real cloth sails and a pivoting capture crane as well as a plank, a removable anchor, 2 secret treasure storage areas and rolling wheels for "Ocean Motion" maneuverability.

Captain Cutlass and his crew of Sea Marauders prowl the open sea in merciless determination to discover treasure, capture skeletons, and evade rival Pyrates ships.

A Seafaring Tale

Hundreds of years ago, a dark world existed where bravery and legend stretched as far as the ocean…but so did corruption. Rugged, lawless Pyrates fighting for treasure, territory,and resources learned of a legend – the Lord Of The Pyrates lay dying and he ordered his bounty strewn to the corners of the world so that no one could attain his wealth. But the crew in charge of dispersing his treasures was mysteriously lost at sea…

Now, many adventurers set sail on massive warships - vessels so huge that when spotted on bleary horizons, they seem to churn the very waves of the sea.It is every limey for himself, where alliances among Pyrates are temporary patches on a hull of treachery. With rumors of an undead Skeleton Crew piloting a spectral ghost ship, undiscovered treasure on the island known as Skull Haven, and fierce rivalries among every crew -- danger exists across every ship bow, where law and order are castaways at sea, and survival is a luxury too few can enjoy…

Aggressive mariners set out to capture the Lord Pyrate’s treasure. As predators of the ocean, their vessels are crude but crafty and highly maneuverable. These hunters and pillagers are true Pyrates, always looking to capture other ships and claim strategic locations like Smuggler’s Fort. They will stop at nothing to fight the terrorizing Skeleton Crew and outwit the imperial Privateers. It is said that the famous hunting ship Stormstalker houses a machine – one that can “heal” cursed sailors, but only those who are willing to be changed…




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