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Welcome to Blok City - your resource for all things Blokky. Here we have details of all the Mega Bloks sets that have been released by Mega Brands, links to the instructions for the sets in case you have misplaced them and photos of what each set looks like.

MEGA brick.png Recent and upcoming releases

Mega Bloks sets

FMN27 Mermaid WashtubFMN28 Peekaboo PicnicFTY37 Maryellen's Seaside DinerFTY39 Luciana's Space Camp AdventuresFTY40 Samantha's Victorian Manor

CND43 Day at the StablesCND45 Walk-in ClosetCND46 Babysitter BarbieCND48 Princess Tea TimeCND50 Princess Ball BarbieCND99 Mermaid PartyCNF00 Fairy GalaCNF01 Glam EveningCNF02 Beach VacationCNF03 Chelseas Birthday FunCNF05 Underwater CoveCNF71 Mini Fashion FiguresCNF75 Rock ’n Royals SetCNF76 Puppy Adventure SetCNF77 Pet Beach BoardwalkCNF95 Pet Vet to Sweet BakerCNF96 Classroom Teacher to Prima BallerinaCNF98 Puppy Adventure FestivalCNH89 Movie House ChihuahuaCNH90 Prima Ballerina CatCNH91 Gym Fit HamstersCNH92 Coffee Shop PoodleCNK35 Day at the StablesDBM19 Fairy TreehouseDBM21 Underwater CastleDBM49 Chelseas Pool PartyFFP23 Sundae SailboatFFP25 Seahorse CarouselFFP26 Strawberry CarriageFFW90 Mermaid LagoonFGC51 2-IN-1 Candy CastleGWR22 AstronomerGWR23 DesignerGWR24 SkateboarderGWR25 MusicianGWR26 Sushi ChefGWR27 Camp GuideGWR35 Adventure DreamCamperGWR79 Convertible Beach AdventureHDJ84 Horse JumpingHDJ85 Farmer's MarketHDJ87 Horse StablesHHM01 DreamHouseHHP86 Color Reveal Surf 'n SwimHHP87 Color Reveal Beach SplashHHP88 Color Reveal Beach DayHHP89 Train 'n Wash PetsHHW83 Color Reveal Dolphin ExplorationHKF90 Convertible Road TripHPF48 Reveal PartyHPF49 Karaoke PartyHPF50 Birthday PartyHPH26 DreamHouseHPN78 Convertible & Ice Cream StandHPN79 Malibu Dream BoatHPN80 Dream Camper AdventureHTK04 Puppy Bath TimeHTK05 Kitty CondoHTK07 Bunny PlayhouseHTK08 Puppy Playhouse

FDY62 John PriceFDY63 Jet PilotFDY64 Mine SpecialistFDY65 Arctic SniperFDY66 Combat DiverFDY67 Frank WoodsFDY73 Anti-Tank GunFDY74 Surface TroopsFDY75 Flamethrower Shock TroopsFDY76 Arctic Recon ArmoryFDY77 Infantry Scout CarFDY78 Urban Assault CopterGCN86 ReconGCN88 Captain PelayoGCN91 WWII Resistance FighterGCN93 Firebreak Weapon CrateGCP06 Desert Snipers vs. MercenariesGCP09 Arctic ArmoryGKW20 Desert Mission Weapon CrateGNV42 Captain PriceGNV43 Logan WalkerGNV44 Frank WoodsGNV45 General ShepherdGYF91 Tactical Infiltration TeamGYF92 Battle Royale Air DropHBG37 Crash Site Battle

Out Now DKT69 Motor Mischief | DKW82 Minion Blind Packs Series V | DKW82 Minion Blind Packs Series VI | DKX76 Factory Fiasco | DKX77 Fortress Break-In | DKY82 Copy Chaos | DKY83 Jelly Jiggle | DKY84 Chair-O-Matic | DKY85 Mailroom Mania | DNC19 Minions Display Case | DPG68 Shrunken Ship | DPG69 Medieval Mishief | DPG70 Island Chaos | DPG71 Motorcycle Mayhem | DPG73 Ice Scream Truck | DRV32 Despicable Name Builder | DYD30 Flamingo Joyride | DYD31 Snowball | DYD37 Lair Break-In | DYD38 Free Form Building Set | DYG42 Micro Action Figures Series 10 | FDM39 Micro Action Figures Series 10 | FDX73 Cheese Shootout | FDX74 Cheese Merry-Go-Round | FDX76 Gru's Car | FDX79 Agnes' Toy Sale | FDX80 Agnes' Unicorn Expedition | FDX82 Gru's Water Motorbike | FDX84 Dru's Transforming Car | FDX85 Luau Dave Build-A-Minion | FFJ32 Minions Jail Break | FFJ33 Wild Waterski Bike | FFJ35 Dru's Lair | FHY38 Family Luau Party | FLG00 Balthazar's Speedboat

GFT42 Yap Yap The Destroyer | GFT43 Prophet of Mercy | GYG57 Escape | GYG58 Chopper Takedown | GYG59 UNSC Razorback Blitz | GYG60 UNSC Wasp Onslaught | HHC30 ODST Hudson | HHC31 Spartan Kelly-087 | HHC32 Spartan MK VII | HHC33 Skirmisher Minor | HHC34 Spartan Haunted | HHC35 Zone Control | HHC36 Ghost of Requiem | HHC37 ODST Hive Exterminators | HHC38 Red Team Warthog Rescue | HHC42 UNSC Scorpion Clash | HHC43 Banished Phantom | HHC44 UNSC Elephant Sandnest | HHJ02 Stockpile | HKT04 Spartan Agryna | HKT05 Spartan Kovan | HKT06 Spartan Yoroi | HKT07 The Weapon | HKT08 Ik'novus | HKT15 Bazaar Battleground | HKT16 Decisive Engagement | HKT17 UNSC Mongoose Outriders | HKT18 UNSC Hornet Recon | HMV51 ODST Wombat Overwatch | HMV56 ODST 'Dutch' Miles | HMV57 ODST 'Romeo' Agu | HNC46 Spartan MK VII | HNC47 Lt. Colonel Kinsano | HNC48 Atriox | HNC49 Human Combat Form | HNC50 Sangheili Honor Guard | HNC51 ODST ' Mickey' Crespo | HNC55 FLEETCOM Mongoose | HNC56 Renegade Banshee | HNC57 FLEETCOM Warthog | HNC59 Floodgate Firefight | HNC75 ODST Rookie

CNF34 Chromad | CNF35 Nitro Booster | CNF36 Rage Rider | CNF37 Sting Shot | CNF39 T-Blast | CNF40 Sharkbite | CNF41 Max Scatter | CNF43 Grease Pit Garage | CNF44 Car Wash Attack | CNF45 Break-Out Station | CNH40 RumbleJack | CNH41 Master Crusher | CXM84 Super Race Set 8-in-1 | DBJ18 Dune It Up | DBJ19 Baja Bone Shaker Monster Truck | GYG34 Baja Truck | GYG35 Aristo Rat | GYG36 Amazoom | GYG37 Rip Rod | GYG66 Twinduction Hauler Pack | HDJ89 Bone Shaker | HDJ90 Twin Mill | HDJ93 Race Ace Monster Truck | HDJ94 Gunkster Monster Truck | HDJ95 Mega-Wrex Monster Truck | HHD17 V8 Bomber | HHD18 HW Demo Derby | HHD19 5 Alarm | HHD20 Bigfoot | HHL95 ‘64 Corvette Grand Sport | HHL96 ’16 Cadillac ATS-V R | HHL97 '83 Chevy Silverado | HHL98 '17 Camaro | HHL99 Muscle Bound | HKF85 ‘77 Pontiac Firebird | HKF87 Bone Shaker Crush Course | HKF88 Tiger Shark Chomp Course | HKF89 Mega-Wrex Boneyard Stunt Course | HKF93 Audi R8 LMS GT2 | HKF94 Audi RS 6 GTO Concept | HNG52 Gunkster Monster Truck | HNG53 Demo Derby Extreme Trick Course | HRY17 Bone Shaker | HRY18 Cadillac ATS-V R | HRY20 Audi 90 Quattro IMSA GTO | HTJ98 Deuce's Wild | HTJ99 Quad Rod | HTK01 Rip Rod | HTK02 Car-de-Asada

81000 Jeep 3-in-1 Ride-On | 81015 Jeep 3-in-1 Ride-On | 97803 Jeep Wrangler | 97804 Jeep Off-Road Adventure | 97806 Jeep Forest Expedition

GYG79 Morpeko (Full Belly Mode) | GYG94 Galarian Ponyta | GYG96 Toxel Vs. Galarian Meowth | GYG98 Corviknight | GYH00 Build & Show Squirtle | GYH06 Build & Show Pikachu Evolution Trio | HDL76 Pikachu's Beach Splash | HDL77 Bulbasaur's Forest Trek | HDL80 Poké Puff Picnic | HDL86 Forgotten Ruins | HGC23 Motion Pikachu | HGC24 Motion Gyarados | HHL13 Jumbo Charmander | HHL14 Cyndaquil | HHL15 Chikorita | HHL16 Totodile | HHL17 Hoppip | HHL18 Ledyba | HHL19 Mime Jr. | HHM17 Bulbasaur Evolution Set | HHN61 Ultimate Jungle Expedition | HHP69 Holiday Train | HKT09 Sobble | HKT12 Grookey | HKT14 Combee | HKT19 Zubat's Night Flight | HKT20 Piplup and Sneasel’s Snow Day | HKT21 Countryside Windmill | HKT22 Motion Butterfree | HKT23 Pikachu Evolution Set | HKT24 Trainer 8 Pack | HKT25 Dragonite | HKT26 Lapras | HLB70 Snorlax | HMW04 Jumbo Great Ball | HMW05 Motion Charizard | HNT87 Morpeko | HNT88 Fuecoco | HNT89 Sprigatito | HNT90 Quaxly | HNT91 Chewtle |HNT92 Skwovet | HNT93 Forest Pokémon Center | HNT94 Build & Show Poké Trio | HNT95 Magikarp Evolution Set | HNT96 Jumbo Bulbasaur | HPB59 Pichu's Forest Forage | HPF94 Build & Show Kanto Region Trio | HPX92 Paldea Region Team | HRL52 Quaxly and Paras's Sea Splash | HTH69 Emolga and Bulbasaur's Charming Woods | HTH70 Machamp | HTH72 Mini Motion Golbat | HTH73 Mini Motion Dugtrio | HTH74 Pikachu | HTH75 Bulbasaur | HTH76 Charmander | HTH77 Squirtle | HTH79 Vulpix Evolution Set | HTH80 Torchic | HTH81 Mudkip | HTH82 Treecko | HTH83 Meowth | HTH84 Vulpix | HTH85 Rattata | HTH86 Charmander's Fire-Type Spin | HTH93 Bulbasaur | HTH94 Charmander | HTH95 Squirtle | HTH96 Pikachu | HTH97 Jigglypuff | HTH98 Ditto | HTJ01 Sylveon | HTJ03 Country Scene | HTJ04 Town Scene | HTJ06 Fire-Type Trainer Team | HTJ75 Beginner Trainer Team 8-Pack | HWR20 Chespin | HWR21 Fennekin | HWR22 Froakie | HWR23 Igglybuff | HWR24 Teddiursa | HWR25 Marill | HXP12 Pikachu & Zubat | HXP13 Charmander & Pichu | HXP14 Bulbasaur & Psyduck

Out Now CND16 Micro Action Figures Series 2 | CND18 Sandy Wacky Pack | CND20 Squidward Racer | CND21 SpongeBob Racer | CND23 Photo Booth Time Machine | CND24 Pickle Tank Attack | CND25 Burgermobile Showdown | CND26 Post-Apocalypse Figure Pack | CNF28 SpongeBob Wacky Pack | CNF29 Patrick Wacky Pack | CNF31 Mr. Krabs Racer | CNF63 Wacky Gym | CNF64 Wacky Surfing | CNF66 Bike Racer | CNF67 Patty Wagon Racer | CNF69 Bad Neighbors Set | CNH49 Tartar Bomber | CNH56 Pirate Figure Pack | CNJ86 Micro Action Figures Series 3 | CNJ86 Micro Action Figures Series 4 | CNP23 Sandy Wacky Pack | CNP24 Squidward Racer | CNP25 Mr. Krabs Racer | CXM60 Invisible Boatmobile Rescue | DBH82 Rock Band Figure Pack | DBH85 Krusty Krab Attack | DKT71 Monster Rally Boat | DLB13 Wacky Wrestling | DLB14 Squidward Dragster | DLB15 Sandy Rocket Racer | DLB17 Jellyfish Baseball | DPH65 SpongeBob Police Racer | DPH66 Wacky Burgers | DPH67 Goofy Golf | DPH70 SpongeBob BlockPants

Out Now DMW23 Classic Series Donatello | DMW24 Classic Series Michelangelo | DMW25 Classic Series Leonardo | DMW26 Classic Series Raphael | DMW28 Rocksteady Villain Pack | DMW29 Bebop Villain Pack | DMW32 Krang’s Rampage | DMW39 Raph Skateboard | DMW40 Donnie Skateboard | DMW42 Mikey Jet Cruiser | DMW43 Leo Turtle Buggy | DMW48 Pizzeria Hideout | DMW49 Cookie Factory | DMX11 Turtle Chopper | DMX12 Turtle Lair Battle | DMX21 Micro Action Figures Series I | DMX27 Mikey Nunchuk Training | DMX34 Leo Pizza Fury | DMX35 Raph Dojo Combat | DMX37 Donnie Pizza Buggy | DMX38 Mikey Pizza Racer | DMX50 Baxter’s Mutation Chamber | DMX51 Mikey Pizzeria Showdown | DMX52 Donnie Turtle Racer | DMX54 Party Wagon | DMX55 Turtle Sewer Lair | DPD60 Rooftop Combat | DPF55 Leo Skateboard | DPF56 Mikey Skateboard | DPF57 Raph Shell Cycle | DPF58 Factory Battle | DPF59 Leo Skate Training | DPF60 Raph Pizza Speedster | DPF61 Donnie Jump Training | DPF62 Leo Pizza Roadster | DPF64 Raph Rooftop Blast-Out | DPF66 Transforming Turtle Mech | DRV34 Ninja Name Builder | DXV82 Leo's Jet Pack | DXV85 Dojo Duel | DXV86 Alley Attack | DXV87 Turtle Jet Blaster | FDB65 Micro Action Figures Series VI | FFC54 Mikey Stealth Tour Trike | FFC55 Raph Stealth Ski Spyder | FFC57 Shredder's Throne Battle

[[[CNJ05 Thomas]] | CNJ06 Percy | CNJ07 Toby | CNJ09 Thomas & Stephen | CNJ10 Kevin & Victor | CNJ12 Sodor Wash Down | CNJ13 Sodor’s Big Celebration | CNJ14 Hidden Treasure Adventures | CNJ15 Zooming Along at Brendam Docks | DLC13 Charlie | DLC14 Thomas | DLC16 Recycling Center | DLC17 Thomas and Bertie


3230 Mountain Peak Expedition | 3236 McLaren F1 Racer | 3243 Vodafone McLaren Mercedes Pitstop | 3244 Vodafone McLaren Mercedes Rig | 3248 Ford Focus RS WRC07 | 3249 Eurofighter Typhoon | 3250 M1064 Gromitz | 3251 Leopard 2 Tank | 3263 Battleship | 3265 Supersonic GT SRA | 3266 Stealth Turbo SRA | 3268 Sports Bike | 3269 Fighter Jet | 3271 Assault Chopper | 3272 Speed Boat | 3274 Race Car | 3275 Attack Copter | 3707 Air Force Warthog | 3723 PredorX Turbo SRA | 3731 SNAKE Mobile Defense Unit

MEGA brick.png Set of the Month

This months Set of the Month is one of the biggest sets ever produced Mega Bloks, the 97117 Forward Unto Dawn set.

This set was a Toys-R-Us exclusive set but can be found elsewhere and contained a massive 2877 pieces.

The model itself was a Charon-class light frigate called the Forward Unto Dawn that was over 37 inches long. The model itself was packed with bricks to give the model strength and makes a compact model with very little empty space inside apart from a central corridor. It comes with heavy duty displays stands made from bricks on which a nameplate for the ship can be mounted.

The Forward Unto Dawn was a central ship to the events of Halo 3 and at the end of the game it was ripped apart and sections of it appear in Halo 4, but with a heavy redesign.

MEGA brick.png Theme of the Month

Call of Duty

This months Theme of the Month is the new Call of Duty Sets released by Mega Bloks in 2013

Call of Duty is a Mega Bloks theme released in 2013. The sets are Collector Sets tied in with the Activision Computer games in the Call of Duty franchise.

The Sets vary from minifigure collections of various armed personnel, such as the 6824 Seal Team set, to slightly larger sets with vehicles as well as minifigures such as the 6822 Heavy Armor Outpost set.

So far there have been 10 Collector Construction Sets released and they were launched at New York Comic Con 2013, on October 10th 2013. The sets are designed for adults who are fans of the franchise, collectors and experienced builders and each set requires a significant level of building skill and dexterity.

MEGA brick.png In the news
  • April 30,2014: Mega Brands becomes wholly owned by Mattel in a $460 million acquisition.
  • February 16, 2014: Mega Brands and Ubisoft announced the brand new Mega Bloks Assassin's Creed Authentic Collectors Series.
  • February 11, 2014: Mega Brands and Ubisoft announced the brand new Mega Bloks Assassin's Creed Authentic Collectors Series.
  • February 11, 2013: Mega Brands announced the brand new Mega Bloks Halo Authentic Collectors Series. This includes four light and sound enhanced playsets including the UNSC Night-Ops Gausshog, the UNSC Hornet, the dual-mode UNSC Anti-Armor Cobra and the all new UNSC Pelican Gunship.
  • February 11, 2013: Mega Brands announced the brand new Mega Bloks First Builders™ preschool construction toys including the all-new Billy Beats Dancing Piano. Billy Beats dances to the beat of 8 different pre-programmed songs or those composed by the budding musician. Billy Beat's colorful light-up keys help teach children to play by following along, and kids will love the piano, wacky DJ and cute animal sounds.
  • February 10, 2013: Mega Brabds announced new sets in its Hot Wheels line such as the ripcord-powered Build and Race assortment, the motorized 3-in-1 Super Blitzen Monster Truck with custom parts for three vehicle transformations, or the Urban Agent Escape Rig with missile launchers and vehicle stunt ramp. The new sets include exclusive Team Hot Wheels collectible micro-action-figures.
  • December 4, 2012: Mega Brands announced the launch of Mega Bloks Barbie designed specifically for girls. Mega Bloks Barbie invites girls to build, design and decorate their own Barbie world with compatible playsets and mini-fashion figures. From a Luxury Mansion to a Fashion Boutique and even Barbie doll’s signature pink convertible car.
  • August 28, 2012: Mega Brands announced the second Halo Toymation Fest, a community-driven competition in which Halo fans can create and submit their own Mega Bloks Halo toymations.
  • May 30, 2012:Mega Brands announced a global licensing partnership Activision Blizzard to develop Mega Bloks toys inspired by Skylanders Giants™, the sequel to 2011's Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure™. The sets will be released in the Autumn/Fall.
  • March 29, 2012: Mega Brands announced a global licensing partnership with Mattel, to produce construction toys based on Barbie® and Hot Wheels®. The new lines will be available in spring 2013.

The Mega Bloks Barbie™ collection will provide girls with a completely new Barbie play experience. With a focus on creative play and customization. The line will feature Barbie and her friends in a buildable world of fashion and dream locations. The Mega Bloks Hot Wheels™ collection will centre on performance, stunts and the coolest cars.

  • February 15, 2012: Mega Brands launched its new Mega Bloks Halo Universe Metal Series sets. The Mega Bloks Halo Universe “Metal Series” collector’s line will include small scale replica figurines and vehicles. The new diecast Halo Universe vehicles include moving parts and will add a very collectible element to the series. Each set in the collection will include a zinc figurine and terrain plates.
  • February 15, 2012: Mega Brands launched its new range of Mega Bloks Power Rangers construction toys. The Mega Bloks Power Rangers Super Samurai line will be available this autumn and will include minifigures and sets from the TV show. The Mega Bloks Power Rangers Super Samurai line includes new products such as Micro Action Figures (series 3), Hero packs, Pocket racers, 2-in-1 Zords, the Claw Armour Megazord and more.
  • October 31,2011: Mega Brands announces that it has signed an agreement with Marvel Entertainment, to feature Spider-Man and other classic comic book characters in RoseArt 3D Create ‘n’ Color products.
  • October 4,2011: Mega Brands announces that it has signed an agreement with online games developer and entertainment firm, Mind Candy, to develop creative toys based on the Moshi Monsters.
  • August 25,2011: Mega Bloks launched a Toymation competition to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the hugely successful Halo franchise.
  • June 13,2011: Mega Brands announces that it has signed an agreement with Blizzard Entertainment to produce World Of Warcraft Sets and Starcraft II.
  • May 31,2011: Mega Brands announces that it is extending its deal with Microsoft to produce Halo sets.
  • May 26,2011: Mega Brands announces an expansion of the deal with HIT Entertainment to produce more Thomas and Friends sets.
  • May 10,2011: Mega Brands announces deal to release Power Rangers Sumarai sets in early 2012.
  • March 15, 2011: Mega Brands announces plans to release new Pre-School toy range based on Hello Kitty.
  • February 15, 2011: Mega Brands releases new Pre-School toys such as the 3-in-1 Build ‘n Go Walker, The Tub Town Collection and The Build‘n Go Wagon.
  • February 14, 2011: MEGA Brands premieres the 3D BreakThrough™, its all-new innovation in 3-dimensional (3D) puzzles.
  • February 13, 2011: MEGA Brands launches its brand new Mega Bloks Need for SpeedTM Authentic Collector’s Series today at the 2011

American International Toy Fair. Then Mega Bloks Need for Speed line combines the world’s best-selling racing video game franchise with the core play pattern of vehicle building. Need for Speed building sets showcase some of the world most iconic and exotic sports cars such as the Audi R8, Nissan GT-R and Porsche Turbo.

  • January 3, 2011: Kiloo Games releases Mega Bloks app for Iphone.
  • November 30: MEGA Brands announce a licensing partnership with Electronic Arts to develop construction toys based on Need for Speed.
  • November 30: MEGA Brands are holding an Open House for new designers on Thursday, December 2.
  • October 05: Mega Bloks® Partners with Cartoon Network Enterprises to Create Construction Toys Based on Generator Rex.
  • October 01: Mega Bloks® Launches its First-Ever Colorful iPhone and iPad App Toy for


  • September 30: Mega Bloks® signs a deal with London-based Ludorum to produce a range of Chuggington construction toys.
  • September 27: Mega Bloks®’ Adventures on Misty Island from the Mega Bloks® Thomas

& Friends® construction toy line was named one of the ‘HOT 20 TOYS’ for the 2010 holiday season by The Toy Insider.

  • August 10: MEGA Brands Launches a Buildable World of Ultimate Battle, DRAGONS