She Recently Hit Back At Critics Of Her Husband s Amazon Documentary Rooney

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She recently hit back at critics of her husband's Amazon documentary, Rooney. 
And on Monday, , 35, shared a Valentine's Day post to Wayne, 36, and their sons Kai, 12, Klay, eight, Kit, six, and Cass, three. 
Taking to Instagram, the Scouse beauty uploaded a collage of photographs showing her former footballer husband with their four boys. 

Family: On Monday, Coleen Rooney, 35, shared a Valentine's Day post to Wayne, 36, and their sons Kai, 12, Klay, eight, Kit, six, and Cass, three
The doting mum included four individual shots of her young sons, and a group shot of Wayne and the boys wearing matching bear jumpers. 
Coleen wrote alongside: 'Happy Valentine's Day to my gang.

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Just before the weekend, Coleen hit back with a sassy response to a troll as opinions came flooding in following the airing of husband Wayne's candid documentary. 
The beauty appears alongside her husband in the documentary, Rooney, which was released on Prime Video on Friday. 
Doting: Taking to Instagram, the Scouse beauty uploaded a collage of photographs showing her former footballer husband with their four boys (Pictured at the premiere of Rooney)
Candid: Coleen was forced to hit back at trolls after she penned, 'I am who I am….

He is who he is …. We are what we are and that's that!!!!' about Wayne following his indiscretions 
Sassy: As a follower questioned: 'Then why broadcast it to millions?' Coleen hit back, 'Because I want to… it's my life.

Enjoy yours xx'
Sweet: Coleen also received support from her followers, and thanked fans for their remarks
Coleen is seen speaking honestly about the issues they have faced in their marriage, including Wayne's notorious brothel visits and escort scandal.   
Sharing a snap of the pair at the premiere, Coleen penned: 'I am who I am….

He is who he is …. We are what we are and that's that!!!!
'Life is for living, life goes on, life is not perfect at all and you know what…. it's OUR life no one else's. God bless.'
As a follower questioned: 'Then why broadcast it to millions?' Coleen hit back, 'Because I want to… it's my life.
Enjoy yours xx'  
Honest: The WAG appears alongside her husband in Rooney, and is seen speaking honestly about the issues they have faced in their marriage
Coleen spoke out about Wayne's drinking and cheating for the first time in the documentary.  
Wayne's wife of 14 years insisted in the film that 'I wouldn't be standing here if I hadn't forgiven him,' as she reflected on their 20 year relationship from teenagers to parents of four.
The documentary looks back on Wayne's life from his council estate upbringing in the Liverpool district of Croxteth through to the soaring heights of his football career and throughout it all, his relationship with Coleen, who first met at the age of 12.
Speaking about their teenage romance, Wayne says in the documentary: 'I think when I was about 11 or 12 I knew that I wanted to marry her, and I said that to her at the time.

I said 'when we grow up we're going to get married and you're going to have our kids'. She was looking at me like 'yeah good one! 
Coleen agrees, admitting of her husband: 'He's a charmer, growing up that's how he won me over.

The more I said no the more he said 'I will one day get that date'.'  
'I always remember he used to hang around by where I lived and every now and again you'd get his mum shouting up and down the street, 'Wayne!'. 
Wayne's charm came in the form of poems, one of which had the title 'Wiggle Wiggle', and which Coleen has kept to this day, telling the camera 'they're very romantic, you can tell he loves me.'
Wayne and Coleen began dating aged 16 and went on to marry in a lavish ceremony in Portofino in 2008.

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Ups and downs: Wayne's wife of 14 years insists in the film that 'I wouldn't be standing here if I hadn't forgiven him,' as she reflects on their 20 year relationship from teens to parents of four 
Later in the Prime Video film, Coleen is seen looking back at the events of 2004 when reports of Wayne's brothel visits and his infamous romp with three prostitutes first emerged in the press.  
Reflecting on the difficult time, Coleen concedes: 'The first time, we were young so there was a lot of arguing.'
Admitting she didn't approve of the company Wayne was keeping, old and young xxx Coleen insists: 'I knew groups that Wayne was hanging around with that weren't good for him.

Lovely people but together, with alcohol, not good and I told him that from day one.
'I didn't want him to stop being friends with them but I didn't want him to go out with them because they got in bad situations.
'Alcohol is a lot to blame and still is, up to this day with things that has happened recently.

It's not a good thing for Wayne to be unsupervised'.
'Wrong place': Wayne also discusses the period, admitting: 'When you're in the wrong place and there's alcohol involved you're gonna make bad decisions
Wayne is also seen discussing the period, admitting: 'I put myself in the wrong place and when you're in the wrong place and there's alcohol involved you're gonna make bad decisions and you're going to have to suffer and deal with the consequences'.
'That's what happened, it doesn't take away any of my love for Coleen, it happened.

It was a wrong decision to make, I held my hands up and we worked through it.' 
Coleen says she relied on the support of her family and her own instincts to help her through, pointing out: 'When you're making those decisions you've got to focus on what you want and not other people because you have so many people saying different things to you.
'Oh why is she getting back with him?

'Obviously I listen to the people that matter to me, my mum and dad always give me a positive outlook on things. There's nothing that we can't deal with and that's my way in a situation - let's sit down and see what we can do and can we make it work?

And we have. We're not the lovey-dovey type anyway, we like to have a laugh and we work well together.' 
She adds that there is some element of truth to the idea that they stayed together for their four boys, explaining: 'That was part of it but also we still love each other.
'Hopefully he's learnt and he doesn't get himself into any of those horrible situations again. But it's happened and I've got to live with it, if I couldn't cope with living with it I would have ended the relationship.' 
She later adds when asked if she had forgiven her husband: 'Life goes on and I've moved on. You've moved on. Not the behaviour, no.

It's not acceptable.
'Forgiveness I'd say is different. It's not acceptable what he's done but it's happened and that was a stage of life that we were in at the time. But we've moved on.
'I forgive him but it wasn't acceptable.
If it comes up we talk about it like we are talking about it now. I haven't got the anger I did at the time.' 
Fame: The documentary looks back on Wayne's life from his council estate upbringing through to the soaring heights of his football career, and throughout it all, his relationship with Coleen
She added: 'I do think it's amazing that we are where we are today.

We're lucky that we both had the strength and support of each other and the people around us to keep going. That's something we've had to work hard at.
'I wouldn't be standing here if I hadn't forgiven him.' 
While Wayne says: 'It's important that teammates, friends, family remember me for who I am rather than what I've done.

Stuff that has happened in the past, with girls for instance. Stuff I regret. It's something I feel that has stuck against my name.
'I think it's important because it is part of what has happened with my life growing up. People still see that and look at me in a different way.

I'm not that type of person.' 
<div class="art-ins mol-factbox tvshowbiz" data-version="2" id="mol-2c8bee80-8d9e-11ec-bae8-0fc474551fb3" website Rooney shares Valentine's Day post to husband Wayne and sons